Poziv za učešće studenata na International Student Week in Belgrade 2024

    The festival will take place in Belgrade, Serbia  from the 2nd to the 10th of August. This year’s theme is Creativity and initiative under the slogan “Find the spark, leave your mark”. We are celebrating our 17th anniversary and we have prepared 8 workshops in various fields for students and recent postgraduates from […]

Angloameričko pravo: Istraživanje izvora

Obavještavaju se vanredni studenti da će se nastava iz izbornog predmeta Angloameričko pravo: Istraživanje izvora obavljati u on line format putem Teams aplikacije. Link za vanredne studente: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3ARO2OM-VT_ejFhbiwRz3XxQ4IC3DJKOUd5ZBbHYO39Ac1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=45560ccd-9bf3-4ca7-869a-dc99290ac781&tenantId=7e762570-42d8-481d-b206-a5f7435fd0e6 Nastava za vanredne studente održat će se 19.04.2024. godine sa početkom u 17,00 časova.


Obavještavaju se kandidati da će se nastava iz izbornog predmeta Angloameričko pravo: Istraživanje izvora obavljati u on line format putem Teams aplikacije. Link za redovne I redovnosamofinansirajuće studente; https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3AhQTwjjKmL_NYVbp9T61x-uYa6hrZCbt_ORBaU50f8nU1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=f5085a3c-c678-49cd-a5d0-69d6c9751404&tenantId=7e762570-42d8-481d-b206-a5f7435fd0e6 Link za vanredne studente: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3AFs8-F_ObF-coy8VfhMOuQGsfN3ueVh_AYOnHFCuS-1c1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=32fed48b-a829-4f3e-81a2-539701ca6b99&tenantId=7e762570-42d8-481d-b206-a5f7435fd0e6 Nastava za vanredne studente počinje 22.03.2024. godine sa početkom u 17,00 časova.

European Scholarship Programme (stipendije za II ciklus studija u Njemackoj)

In cooperation with the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes), the Alfred Toepfer Foundation is offering a new scholarship programme, the You and Europe Scholarship Programme, which is aimed at students who would like to complete a full Master's programme in Germany starting winter semester 2024 and have a strong interest in a […]